The Senators who represent Virginia at ALA Girls Nation are selected at Virginia Girls State
Each year ALA Virginia Girls State selects two of its delegates as senators to attend ALA Girls Nation in Washington, D.C. One alternate delegate is also selected to serve in the event one of the senators is unable to attend. Girls Nation Senators run for various positions, propose and campaign for the passage of legislation, and possibly meet with United States Representatives and Senators. A meeting with the President of the United States at the White House often caps off ALA Girls Nation week. ALA Girls Nation usually begins on the third Saturday of July and continues through the fourth Saturday of July each year.

Learn more about ALA Girls Nation
on American Legion Auxiliary website
Delegates opting to contend for this position must provide either proof of U.S. Citizenship or proof of legal residency. This is explained further on the ALA Girls Nation documentation form found on the “What to Bring” page.
Visit the Girls Nation Twitter feed
ALA Girls Nation Times
ALA Girls Nation Times [PDF], the Girls Nation newsletter from 2016, Day 1

Learn more about ALA Girls Nation
on American Legion Auxiliary website